
Tipestry adds meta-layers to the Internet, allowing users to interact and receive cryptocurrencies anywhere on the Internet. The main component of this platform is Tipestry.com, a web portal that effectively adds comment sections to websites where people can leave messages on the sites discussed. Tipestry Go is an additional reality application that allows users to leave comments in certain physical locations and search for digital coins hidden around the world. The browser add-on that adds more chat and micro-payment is also being developed.
There are three related issues that must be resolved with this project: first, a business model that refers to social networking platforms is to sell personal data to third parties, generally without understanding the fact that they refuse to do so. from the point of view of consumer privacy and security. Second, the content creator difficult to obtain the financial benefit of their work, which is partly responsible for the general decline of journalistic standards and the dissemination of content klikbayt. Third, it is a tendency for large companies to promote the agenda, both commercially and politically, through censorship or completely deactivate feedback to users on their websites.
Another objective of this project is to guarantee the use of new cryptographic currencies and put the coins in the hands of many people without the need to understand the technical details.
90% of all information that has been made in the last two years is largely due to the popularity of Web 2.0 and the user's content platform. However, although it has the same advantages, the problem with this network continues to grow. First, the value created by the investor is almost entirely borne by the monopolies and not by the people who create the content. Another issue is that these companies are abusing their power over the platform that violates the privacy of their users and acts as a guardian of what is allowed by the user's voice, prohibit or final closure of the platform and censorship (or stimulate ) content for political or commercial reasons.
Assignment of costs
People who create content and data that control the Internet rarely receive compensation for the value they get. From the basic social media platform, YouTube only offers revenue sharing: 55% of advertising revenue is provided to qualified users (most of which are the largest companies on their own) and 45% to YouTube.
However, YouTube is becoming more and more rigorous about the types of content that can be made on its platform. Recently it has eliminated the boot manager with at least 1,000 clients and 4,000 hours of annual search. In addition, in an attempt to mitigate revenues from offensive content, it announced that it would use more than 10,000 artists to assist the police, whose videos would be exempt from revenue sharing. The result of this change is the decrease in the number of ordinary people who can make money creating content for the platform.
Instead of distributing revenue, some sites allow users to spend money on gifts for other users. Reddit offers the option to "give gold", but all $ 3.99 (gold fees) go to Reddit. Instead of paying the gold recipient, certain symbolic benefits are provided, such as common themes and avatars.
In addition to the fact that YouTube uses monetization controls to influence content, many popular sites directly prohibit or censor users, which critics say is inconsistent and unclear. During a recent hearing in the US Congress. UU., Several congressmen criticized Facebook for politically motivated censorship. Twitter received similar criticism, for example, according to the president of the Federal Communications Commission: "When it comes to opening the Internet, Twitter is part of the problem." Companies have a point of view and use it for discrimination. "This criticism is then used as part of the justification to eliminate net neutrality.
The Tipestry project was launched in 2014. The main objective is to facilitate the tilt and allow users to comment on each website. The first iteration is a browser add-on that entered the alpha tests in 2015, and the second is a mobile application that will enter testing in 2016. According to the initial comments, both versions have been canceled to support web performance current trial version from Tipestry.com, alpha entered in 2017
50% of the Tipestry symbols will be sold at the time of the sale of symbols. 35% will be carried out in the company and 15% will be sold to investors and handed over to the founders. The symbol sales will have a soft cap of $ 1,000,000 USD and a hard cap of $ 20,000,000 USD.
Distribution of tokens

50% of Tipestry tokens will be sold during the sale of the tokens. 35% will be kept in the company and 15% are sold to investors and handed over to the founders. The sale of the tokens will have a Soft Cap of $ 1,000,000 USD and a Hard Cap of $ 20,000,000 USD.
For more info on this project, please visit the link below:
Website Tokensale: https://tokensale.tipestry.com/
Website Platform: http://www.tipestry.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tipestry
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tipestry
Telegram : https://t.me/tipestry
AUTHOR: Erikay
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