CurioInvest token sale review

What is CurioInvest? is a provides simple platform to invest in premium collectable cars. CurioInvest’s team of experts hand-pick vehicles based on their investment potential. The purchase price of the cars is crowdfunded by selling “Car Tokens” to investors on the platform. By purchasing Car Tokens, you gain the right to share in any profit when the vehicle is resold. In addition, you can diversify your portfolio by purchasing tokens in multiple cars. In this way, you can invest in the virtual garage of your dreams, backed by tangible, real-world assets.

Vision: vision is to enable everyone to invest in and profit from collectable cars. By tokenizing investment-grade vehicles, CurioInvest will open up the collectable car market to thousands of new investors.
The CurioInvest team has a proven track record of profitably trading investment-grade vehicles at Mercuria Helvetica AG and has partnered with Mechatronik GmbH to provide the expertise necessary to store and maintain the vehicles. Such partnerships will enable CurioInvest to manage the entire life cycle of the investment in a cost-effective manner and to leverage economies of scale.
CurioInvest’s goal is to become the world’s leading platform for the purchase and trade of collectable security tokens.

Why Choose CurioInvest? is well positioned for the following reasons:
>CurioInvest is not starting from scratch. CurioInvest’s sister company Mercuria Helvetica AG has developed lasting relationships with many top-tier automotive companies including Pagani, Ferrari and Mercedes-Benz. Thus, CurioInvest has access to a pipeline of over 500 rare, collectable vehicles, ensuring exclusive investment opportunities from day one.
>CurioInvest has developed a tried-and-tested operational model to manage the entire life cycle of an automotive investment. CurioInvest has established contacts with car maintenance companies, insurance companies and tax-free physical storage providers.
>CurioInvest has established legal entities in Switzerland and Lichtenstein. Switzerland offers a stable regulatory environment and investor-friendly laws, while the base in Lichtenstein allows CurioInvest to legally sell security tokens throughout the European Economic Area, which comprises all 28 member states of the EU and the three EEA EFTA states Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein. Switzerland has become a global hub of blockchain innovation, ensuring that CurioInvest will have direct access to the right technical talent to scale the business.
>The CurioInvest team and its partners consist of experts with a proven track record in the automotive, IT, financial and investment industries.

Benefit Purchasing Tokens on CurioInvest:

By purchasing Cur Tokens on CurioInvest, you gain the right to share in any potential profit when the vehicle is resold.
The conditions under which the vehicles can be purchased, maintained, insured or resold are clearly defined in detail in CurioInvest’s investor prospectus.
All the key information about the vehicles is available on the CurioInvest platform (including the vehicle’s ownership history, the current market prices for comparable vehicles, and relevant media such as videos and photos).
When the car is resold, you will receive a profit if the vehicle increases in value. Alternatively, if you wish to cash out before the vehicle is sold, you can also sell your Cur Tokens peer-to-peer to other investors.
The trust and security of our customers is our highest priority. CurioInvest is powered by blockchain technology to maximize the security of our clients.

CurioInvest team:

Experts backing Curio & Notable Advisory Board:


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