Mainstream For the Underground (MFTU)

Hello dear readers, it is my delight to bring to your way this important information just as it is my usual practice. I would like you to relax and read through this tips of but enriching information with great benefits and awesome. Friends, it's all about "MFTU " This is a great innovation that envision the future MFTU and CYFM token. Take your time to read through the detail bellow.
Since the advent of the internet, music has taken a different dimension, searching for the kind of music you need to listen to at a time has been made very easy.
With the use of internet, an artist can upload and publish his production and adverise it globally. This is easily done via the use of mobile phones and other gadgets. Music is an important aspect of life, cuts across every tribe, culture and traditions.
About MFTU
MFTU has a goal to protect the development of music in the future, due to the growth of piracy, as well as the various propagation of legality, which makes it more sad for the people who work in the field of music. This project provides a permanent solution to the gaps that threaten the future of the music industry.
In its development, the path is very traditional, because, in addition to attracting third parties, all royalties are not transferred to the artist or musician. In addition, many obstacles, such as laws that govern.
Thus, the MFTU project creates an online payment payment model that uses blockchain technology that is located above the decentralized ethereum network. To smooth the project, MFTU is supported by a double token named “CYFM” (CyberFM) and “MFTU” as a token instead of the MFTU itself.
However, there are still a lot of challenges facing the music producers (ARTIST ) including :
Non payment for their performances.
Strict policies by governments.
Lack of fund to record their music.
No fund to advertise the music.
No sponsorship to promote their music
These factors affect all levels of Artist, but the most affected are those with undiscovered musical talents and the upcoming artist. The more reason for the creation of the MAINSTREAM FOR THE UNDERGROUND Decentralized platform.
However, there are still a lot of challenges facing the music producers (ARTIST ) including :
Non payment for their performances.
Strict policies by governments.
Lack of fund to record their music.
No fund to advertise the music.
No sponsorship to promote their music
These factors affect all levels of Artist, but the most affected are those with undiscovered musical talents and the upcoming artist. The more reason for the creation of the MAINSTREAM FOR THE UNDERGROUND Decentralized platform.
the cyberFM

In some developed countries, loyalty payment is enforced by the governing authorities in order to compensate Artists and encourage them. But this is done in most countries.
Sadly, According to research, 90.7% Artist are yet to be discovered, 6.8% Artist are developing Artist, 2.3 % Artist on the main stream while mega music stars are only 0.2%. This shows that there are a lot of untapped potentials when it comes to music Artist. The is the reason for the creation of THE MAINSTREAM FOR THE UNDERGROUND.
Good enough MAINSTREAM FOR THE UNDERGROUND considered these limitations and develop a decentralize platform to tackle the problems limitation Artist from excelling especially the young ones.

Sadly, According to research, 90.7% Artist are yet to be discovered, 6.8% Artist are developing Artist, 2.3 % Artist on the main stream while mega music stars are only 0.2%. This shows that there are a lot of untapped potentials when it comes to music Artist. The is the reason for the creation of THE MAINSTREAM FOR THE UNDERGROUND.
Good enough MAINSTREAM FOR THE UNDERGROUND considered these limitations and develop a decentralize platform to tackle the problems limitation Artist from excelling especially the young ones.

It will interest you to know that, MAINSTREAM FOR THE UNDERGROUND is an organization that has come as a two tokens economy to protect performance right through a distributed ledger of the blockchain technology. Their main aim is to help upcoming Artist, new and independent Artist all the same and enable a level playing ground for online medium.
It will interest you to know that, MAINSTREAM FOR THE UNDERGROUND is an organization that has come as a two tokens economy to protect performance right through a distributed ledger of the blockchain technology. Their main aim is to help upcoming Artist, new and independent Artist all the same and enable a level playing ground for online medium.

MTFU has created two different tokens on the ethereum blockchain (MTFU and CYFM) they do not intend to have any ICO , rather they are distributing their token for Airdrops and bounties. They are already established organization who have the love for music and created a system to change the lives and promote the music career of Artist especially those great talents that are yet to be discovered.

MTFU has created two different tokens on the ethereum blockchain (MTFU and CYFM) they do not intend to have any ICO , rather they are distributing their token for Airdrops and bounties. They are already established organization who have the love for music and created a system to change the lives and promote the music career of Artist especially those great talents that are yet to be discovered.

MTFU has designed a mobile app for both Android and IOS which can be found on Google play store and App stores respective. There is also a desktop version of the Applications.
MTFU has a radio station known as cyber radio, with a lot of channels to give everyone free access to good music globally, and the kind of music that is not readily common. All a user need to do is download the applications and get rewarded with MTFU token and CYFM just for downloading the cyber applications.
I will say here, that the emergence of this unique platform is bringing a revolution to the individual Artists of all levels, the music industry and the world’s economy in general. It is a project worth embracing by all crypto enthusiasts
. #indie #indieartist #indiemusic #MFTU #underground artist#DoYouMFTU

MTFU has designed a mobile app for both Android and IOS which can be found on Google play store and App stores respective. There is also a desktop version of the Applications.
MTFU has a radio station known as cyber radio, with a lot of channels to give everyone free access to good music globally, and the kind of music that is not readily common. All a user need to do is download the applications and get rewarded with MTFU token and CYFM just for downloading the cyber applications.
I will say here, that the emergence of this unique platform is bringing a revolution to the individual Artists of all levels, the music industry and the world’s economy in general. It is a project worth embracing by all crypto enthusiasts
. #indie #indieartist #indiemusic #MFTU #underground artist#DoYouMFTU

For more information please visit:
MFTU website :
MFTU white paper:
MFTU bitcointalk ( ANN) :
Bitcointalk bounty:
Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1992165
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