Hello dear readers, it is my delight to bring to your way this important information just as it is my usual practice. I would like you to relax and read through this tips of but enriching information with great benefits and awesome. Friends, it's all about "TANZO" This is a great innovation that envision the future TANZO token. Take your time to read through the detail bellow.
There has been a great in demands for handmade market which involved crafters going about making diverse products naturally. This products are channelled via all perspective of life. For example history, cultural values and religious all in form of sculptures and lots of other materials. The global technological era has bought about great change handling process of purchase where every information can be accessed via the internet and online platforms aiding the process of buying and selling. This process leaves crafters out of the chain link with the buyers but also bring about confusion to them due to the technicality with technology advancement which leaves them vulnerable such as fear of dishonest buyers (scammers) which tend to total loss of product and money, lack of buyer confidence because both individuals involved in the means of transaction got no means of knowing who is who?(communication), lack of international knowledge which I mentioned earlier as technicality due to technology advancement, unable to showcase their products in competitions and exhibitions, proper means of showcasing their products and difficulty in direction traffic to products they produced. Buyers who purchase products from crafters are also challenged in the process of finding what they need making sure it original, being not able to determine he or she is getting the desired product form and reviews of passed transactions carried out with the crafter. All this process leads to no transparency in the trade which is not a good factors to consider when buying and selling is involved. This has led to the innovation of the TANZO platform. TANZO is a blockchain based social market place for handmade goods that allows crafters to easily develop their storefront profile for sale of handmade products allowing transparency and secure means in transaction between buyer and crafter.
The platform working on blockchain technology eliminates third parties in the process of transaction, low fees enabling craters to be paid in any cryptocurrency desired. The platform also rewards its users with tokens in compensation of good deeds and transaction carried out on the platform and intends to grow organically through customer satisfaction and engagement.
TANZO platform will enable verification of both individuals involved in the transaction process via blockchain technology and giving of specified barcode for keeping track of product and giving full details of materials used in the makeup. The business plan is based on a maximum fee of 1.5%, it can go down to as low as 0.3% and as much as 35% of all fees will be returned to the platform users to reward the community.
TANZO platform with build up an artificial intelligence machine learning system coupled with smart contract system to verify all data registered on the Blockchain and will optimize the decision-making process to execute the purchase. The AI technology will be used will be used to determine counterfeit products before they are uploaded to the blockchain database adding as another level of security prevent fake data in the platform.
500,000,000 TZO tokens will be issued, TZO tokens will be used to facilitate product exchange, which in turn will enable TANZO’s global expansion and it’s an ERC20 token.
Author: erikay
My Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php? Action = profile; u = 1992165


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